1. West is the dealer. Bid the E/W hands.
2. West is the declarer in 6NT with a heart lead:
2.1 Which suit should West play in trick 2? Why?
2.2 How should West handle diamonds? What can go wrong? How can West solve the problem?
Scroll down for a solution and/or explanations
Gino's suggestion and explanation
1. 2NT-6NT
2.1 Play Spades to force out the SA.
2.2 Declarer must play 1 or 2 top diamonds:
If both opponents follow, the jack will drop.
If North does not follow, South holds the Jxxx(x). Enter East to make a marked finesse against South's DJ.
If South does not follow, the contract is doomed. Do not worry about it. You bid well but caught an unlucky break.
The whole deal:
