East is the dealer. How should you bid the E/W hands? (N/S is silent)
Against 4♥ should South’s opening lead be active or passive? Which suit should South lead. Why?
How many winners does declarer have in spades? And how many spade winners for the declarer if South leads the suit?
How many winners does declarer have in diamonds? And how many if South leads the suit?
How many winners does declarer have in clubs? And if South leads the suit?
Scroll down for the full hand, a suggestion/solution and/or explanation
Gino's Suggestion and a Short Explanation
1NT-2♦-3♥-4♥-Pass Advancing the transfer bid, opener's 3♥ is a 'super acceptance' bid. Opener shows maximum HCP (16-17) and 4+ heart fit.
Prefer passive opening leads when the declarer opens NT. Protect your 'assets' by not leading a suit containing an honor. South holds honors in each suit but the trump suit, hearts. Making a passive opening lead, South should lead a heart.
Declarer will not win with the spade king, as the ace is located after clockwise - Unless South starts the suit.
Declarer will not win with the ♦Q, as the king is located after clockwise - Unless South starts the suit.
Declarer will not win with the ♣J, as the queen is located after clockwise - Unless South starts the suit.