You are North, the declarer in 5♦. West was dealer and opened the bidding.
East leads the ♥A. East switches to the ♠10. You play a low spade from the dummy and win with your queen. How should you continue? Diamonds break 3-0 (East holds 3).
Scroll down for the full hand, a suggestion/solution and/or explanation
The Full Hand
Gino's Suggestion and a Short Explanation
Realize the need to establish clubs via a ruffing finesse. Consider transportation to South.
Unblock the ♣A. Play the ♦K. Continue with a diamond to dummy’s ♦A9, finessing against East’s ♦10. Once in dummy, lead the ♣Q. Make a ruffing finesse against West’s ♣K. Use the third round of diamonds to finish drawing trump and to enter dummy’s established club winners.